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"There is no such thing as was-only is. If was existed, there would be no grief or sorrow.”
- William Faulkner

(804) 873-3575


A proven leader with 20 years of military experience. Uses a systems thinking approach with today’s most advanced data science tools for solving problems. Areas of expertise are supply chain, logistics, aviation maintenance, information technology, and analytics. Currently working in the healthcare space with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System and the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). His work is focused on hospital informatics, hospital information systems, and precision medicine with genetic datasets. Active in the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) and the System Dynamics Society (SDS). 

Mr. Dixon, for data science and analytics, developed a series of forecasting models for U.S. Marine Corps Bill of Material (BOM) and maintenance repair support. Models incorporated machine learning, natural language processing, forecasting, and data visualization best practices. He performed literature review and research into additional machine learning models and algorithms applicable to U.S. Marine Corps supply and maintenance business practices. The tools used were R, python, SAS Enterprise Miner, Apache Spark, Amazon Web Services, Databricks, and Microsoft Power BI. 

Mr. Dixon has 20 years of analytics and process improvement experience where his primary career focus has been the alignment of People, Process, and Technology. Mr. Dixon quickly learned that culture and analytics are two critical pieces to achieving alignment of people, process, and technology for maximum organizational effectiveness. Mr. Dixon has held several U.S. Navy operational assignments, one U.S. Navy IT product development assignment, and a Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Aviation program management assignment. He has a wide and deep domain knowledge in the logistics space that he is leveraging and transitioning to the healthcare space, more specifically, personalized medicine. 

Personalized medicine is a very challenging concept where you are aligning the most recent research and healthcare techniques to a specific patient with information that can be acted on to reduce hospital costs and improve patient outcomes. Significant process, information technology, analytical frameworks, and cultural challenges all exist. Mr. Dixon believes his Navy background and training has set him up well to pursue this.

Education and Certificates

Ph.D. Integrative Life Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2021 (projected) 

M.S. Decision Analytics, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2018 

M.S. Information Technology Management, Naval Postgraduate School, 2007 

B.S. General Engineering, United States Naval Academy, 1997

Accomplishments & Awards
  • March 2019. Virginia Beach Bio Innovation Challenge Winner from The Center for Advancing Innovation. The City of Virginia Beach and the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development sponsored a challenge to launch 20 startup companies in the Virginia Beach area focused on therapeutics, vaccines, health IT, and devices for veteran-related illnesses. Winning startup idea and business strategy was for a patient focused, healthcare data analytics platform. 

  • Received the 2012 Foreign Area Office Association Award for International Affairs. Winning paper: “Afghanistan – A New Economic Model for Change”. Joint Forces Staff College. 

  • Awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for contributions to F/A-18 aircraft availability. Strategic initiatives and process improvement events led to the highest number of available aircraft in ten years despite an aging platform and capacity constraints at the repair depots. 

  • Military Operations Research Society, Member System Dynamics Society, Member • The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Member 20 years of military logistics and supply chain support 

  • Product owner for several Navy IT supply chain systems and major weapon system life cycle support International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society 

  • Behavior Genetics Association 

  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), Member 

  • American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Richmond World Affairs Council

  • IT Strategy 

  • Cloud Computing

  • R programing 

  • Python 

  • SAS Enterprise Miner 

  • XGBoos 

  • CatBoost

  • Neural Networks 

  • Forecasting

  • Predictive Analytics

  • Personalized Medicine 

  • Supply Chain Modernization

  • Life Cycle Logistics

  • Amazon Web Services 

  • Machine Learning

  • Data Integration 

  • Data Engineering 

  • System Dynamics Modeling


“Using System Dynamics with Machine Learning for Modeling Patient Flow and Hospital Staffing Requirements.” Modeling and Simulation of Healthcare Systems: Selected Papers on System Dynamics. A book written by experts for beginners. Paperback – October 17, 2019 by Juan Martin Garcia (Author)


Why the BOM Gives Us a Headache

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R. Jerome Dixon

Senior Operations Research Analyst
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