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"I'm proud to be part of the CANA team."

(704) 797-1265


Graduated May '22 with a PhD in Operations Research. I have worked in data analytics and Lean Manufacturing with Tesla Motors and Logistics with Hanesbrands Inc. During my graduate school career, I did pro-bono consulting with NCGrowth, where I helped locally owned manufacturers improve their processes. In my role with the U.S. Army, I work with large-scale simulations, the attendant data analysis, R-Shiny based dashboards and web applications, and interface regularly with stakeholders and decision-makers. I currently work as a technical lead with Bayer Crop Sciences applying large-scale optimization (MILP) techniques.

My PhD dissertation utilizes optimization (combinatorial, linear and integer programming), discrete event simulation, and market design to make fair allocations of discrete and scarce resources to a diverse population. I have further research experience with sensor development and integration, computer vision, time series analysis, and statistical inference.

I'm interested in applying optimization, simulation, and statistical analysis to operational and strategic questions. My current line of professional development is focused on full-stack web development to advance my open-source web app and dashboarding capabilities.

Education and Certificates
  • Ph.D., Operations Research; NC State University, 2022

  • M.S., Operations Research; NC State University, 2020

  • B.S., Industrial Engineering; NC State University, 2018

Accomplishments & Awards

Greg Hauser

Senior Operations Research Analyst
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