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Writer's pictureMegan Randolph

Why CANA Feels Different: A Look at Our Unique HR Practices

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Throughout my career in HR, I’ve had the chance to work with several organizations, each with its own way of managing people, processes, and culture. But when I joined CANA, something felt refreshingly different. Our HR practices aren’t just about paperwork and policies – they’re about people. There’s a personal touch here that I hadn’t quite experienced before, and I think it’s what makes CANA stand out.

1. It’s All About the People: In past roles, I often felt like HR was more about the steps we had to follow – get new hires onboarded, complete performance reviews, and checkboxes. At CANA, it feels a lot more personal. Our HR team takes the time to really get to know people. When we meet for regular check-ins or career discussions, it’s not just a formality. It’s a genuine conversation. We care about what’s going on in your life and how we can help you grow. There’s this constant sense that we’re all in this together, which makes a huge difference.

2. Trust and Openness, for Real: I’ve been with companies that talked about transparency and open communication, but it was mostly just words. Here at CANA, it’s something we live in every day. From the top down, we’re kept in the loop on important company updates, decisions, and plans for the future. We are all part of the bigger picture. You never feel left in the dark or like decisions are happening above your head. That level of trust builds an atmosphere where people feel empowered to share ideas, give feedback, and collaborate openly.

3. Work That Fits Your Life: At some of my previous jobs, the idea of work-life balance was

there – in theory – but in reality, it didn’t always play out. CANA, on the other hand, really gets that life doesn’t stop just because you’re working. We’re given the flexibility to manage our schedules in ways that fit our personal lives without sacrificing our professional goals. Whether it’s working remotely, flexing hours, or adjusting for personal commitments, CANA trusts us to handle our responsibilities, which takes a lot of the pressure off. It’s a great feeling knowing that your company believes in your ability to get things done, no matter where or when you’re working.

4. Growing With You, Not Just Checking a Box: When it comes to employee development,

CANA goes beyond the typical compliance training and annual workshops. In some past roles, that was the extent of it – just doing the bare minimum to meet requirements. Here, it’s different. We’re encouraged to think about long-term growth, pursue new skills, and get involved in learning opportunities that are really tailored to what we need or want to explore. Whether it’s mentorship, industry conferences, or courses that help you build new expertise, there’s this underlying message that CANA wants to see you thrive, not just check off another training.

Why It All Matters: I’ve come to realize that the small things CANA does really make a big

impact. Here, we’re more than just employees – we’re valued, trusted, and given the support to grow. This is something I hadn’t experienced to this extent before. It’s not to downplay my past experiences but to highlight how much CANA genuinely cares about its people. And that’s something worth sharing.


Megan Randolph is our Human Resource Analyst here at CANA. If you would like to contact Megan, you can do so at or on LinkedIn.

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